
ظرفیت جابجایی پمپ سه تایی triplex

میزان حجم جابجا شده سیال حفاری به ازای هر استروک در پمپ های سه تایی یا triplex

General Formula:

Triplex Pump Output in gpm = [3 * (diameter2 * 0.7854) * Stroke length] 0.00411 * strokes per minute



Pump output = 90% efficiency

Liner size = 6.5 inch diameter by 12 inch stroke length

Strokes per minute = 90


To solve:

 1 : Triplex Pump Output in gpm = [3 * (6.52 * 0.7854) * 12] 0.00411 * 90
2 : Triplex Pump Output in gpm = 441.88 gpm

General Formula:

Triplex Pump Output in bbl/stk = 0.000243 * (liner diameter in)2 * (stroke length in)


Example 1:

PO at 100% efficiency

6.5 in liner

12 in stroke


To solve:

 1 : PO @ 100% = 0.000243 * (6.5)2 * 12
2 : PO @ 100% = .123201 bbl/stk


Example 2:

PO at 95% efficiency

6.5 in liner

12 in stroke


To solve:

 1 : PO @ 95% = .123201 bbl/stk * 0.95
2 : PO @ 95% = .117041 bbl/stk