
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 47 نتیجه یافت شده برای Dispersed:
n: 1. a substance whose particles are so fine that they will not settle out of suspension or solution and cannot be seen under an ordinary microscope. 2. the mixture of a colloid and the liquid. gaseous, or solid medium in which it is dispersed.

n: A particle smaller than 2 microns. The size and electrical charge(电荷) of these particles determine the different phenomena observed with colloids, for example, Brownian movement.

a substance with particle size so fine that it exists as a stable dispersion rather than settling out.

n: the liquid in which solids are suspended or droplets of another liquid are dispersed, sometimes called the external phase. In a water-in-oil emulsion, oil is the continuous phase. Compare internal phase.

n: (1) The fluid phase that completely surrounds the dispersed phase. (2) The fluid phase of a drilling fluid: either water, oil, or synthetic oil. The dispersed (noncontinuous) phase may be solids or liquid.

the external phase in an emulsion.

n: an electric log in which current flow in the logging tool was dispersed through the mud in the wellbore prior to entering the formation. As a result, formation resistivity measurements were often inaccurate. These logs are no longer used.

n: the settling or rising of the particles of the dispersed phase of an emulsion. Identifiable by a difference in colour shading of the layers formed. Creaming can be either upward or downward, depending on the relative densities of the continuous and dispersed phases.

n: a dilatant. or inverted plastic, fluid is usually made up of a high concentration of well-dispersed solids that exhibits a nonlinear consistency curve passing through the origin. The apparent viscosity increases instantaneously with increasing rate of shear. The yield point, as determined by conventional calculations from the direct-indicating viscometer readings, is negative;however, the true yield point is zero.

n: This fluid is one of non-Newtonian flow patterns whose unique feature
is that once the fluid is subjected to force,it will start flowing without any gel strength.

a well dispersed, high solids content liquid that has very high apparent viscosity with any applied shear.

fluids with materials added to disperse solids or flocs.

n: that part of a drilling mud . clay, shale, barite, and other solids - that is dispersed throughout a liquid or gaseous medium. forming the mud.

n: The scattered phase (solid, liquid, or gas) of a dispersion. The particles are finely divided and completely surrounded by the continuous phase.

the internal phase in an emulsion – i.e., the droplets or bubbles.

n: an inhibitor substance that can be dispersed evenly in another liquid with only moderate agitation.

n: a material that causes water and oil to form an emulsion. Water normally occurs separately from oil;if, however, an emulsifying agent is present, the water becomes dispersed in the oil as tiny droplets. Or, rarely, the oil may be dispersed in the water. In either case, the emulsion must be treated to separate the water and the oil.
امولسیون ساز

n: a mixture in which one liquid, termed the dispersed phase, is uniformly distributed (usually as minute globules) in another liquid, called the continuous phase or dispersion medium. In an oil-in-water emulsion, the oil is the dispersed phase and the water the dispersion medium;in a waterin- oil emulsion, the reverse holds.

n: A substantially permanent heterogeneous mixture of two or more liquids that do not normally dissolve in each other but are held in a dispersed state, one within the other. This dispersion is accomplished by the combination of mechanical agitation and pres

a physical mixture of two or more immiscible phases.


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