
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 57 نتیجه یافت شده برای EOR:
a theory of petroleum generation in which petroleum is thought to have formed from hydrocarbons trapped inside the earth’s crust when the earth was forming. See also Biogenic and Organic theories.

n: the maximum flow rate that a well could theoretically deliver with zero pressure at the face of the reservoir.

the theoretical maximum flow that a well could deliver with a zero backpressure at the middle of the perforations.

n: the theory that minerals such as oil and gas are fully owned in place before they are extracted and reduced to possession. Despite this theory, title to oil and gas may be lost by legitimate drainage and by the rule of capture. Also called ownership in place. See rule of capture.

the ratio of the mass loss of actual corrosion of an anode to the theoretical corrosion mass loss calculated from the quantity of electricity that has passed between the anode and the cathode using Faraday’s law (from NACE).

v: to make a gift of personal property by means of a will. Compare devise. Bernoullis theorem n: a mathematical expression of the conservation of energy in streamline flow;the theorem states that the sum of the ratio of the pressure to the mass density, the product of the gravitational constant and the vertical height. and the square of the velocity divided by 2 are constant.

a theory of petroleum formation in which the petroleum is thought to have originated from plant and animal material that has undergone transformation from deep burial.

a theory of acoustic propagation in porous and elastic media that taken into account fluid behaviors.

n: in turbine operations, a constant that accounts for the difference between theoretical rotor speed and actual rotor speed.

calculated absolute open flow. A theoretical figure of a wells maximum production.


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