
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 4 از 4 نتیجه یافت شده برای ICP:
abbr: initial circulating pressure;used in drilling reports.

inflatable casing packer.

n: (ICP) the pressure at which a well that has been closed in on a kick is circulated when wellkilling procedures are begun.

the pump pressure required when a shut-in well that has taken a kick is circulated after initially opening the well.

n: (SICP) pressure of the annular fluid on the casing at the surface when a well is shut in.

n: the pessure reflected the fluid in the annular on the casings when the well shut off.

the pressure on the annulus side when the well is shut-in.

abbr: shut-in casing pressure.

shut in casing pressure.

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