
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 41 نتیجه یافت شده برای Parent:
n: 1. the process of sucking up, taking in and making part of an existing whole. Compare adsorption. 2. the process in which short wave radiation is retained by regions of the earth.

n: The penetration or apparent disappearance of molecules or ions of one or more substances into the interior of a solid or liquid.

n: parent group of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). See Society of Petroleum Engineer. Its official publication is the Journal of Petroleum Technology. Address: 345 East 47th Street;New York, NY 10017;(212) 705-7695.

n: the algebraic sum of the actual compressibility of a liquid and the volume change per unit volume of the confining container caused by a unit change in pressure at constant temperature.

شیب ظاهری

سطح ظاهری آب زیرزمینی

تخلل ظاهری

تخلل ظاهری

n: the product of volts and amperes in an AC circuit when voltage and current are measured separately. If voltage and current are not in phase, apparent power is greater than true power.

مقاومت ظاهری محیط

مقاومت ظاهری محیط


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