
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 21 نتیجه یافت شده برای accuracy:
n: the ability of a measuring instrument to indicate values closely approximating the true value of the quantity measured.

the closeness of agreement between the measure value and the exact value.

n: the operation of bringing a measuring instrument, such as a meter, into a satisfactory state of performance and accuracy.

the outer limit to which a logging tool can measure properties with a give accuracy.

n: an expression of a meters deviation from accuracy.

n: see meter factor.

n: the maximum or minimum rate of flow recommended by tile manufacturer to maintain a designated accuracy.

n: a number used to correct a meters inaccuracy. The factor is derived by dividing the actual volume of liquid passed through a meter during proving by the volume registered by the meter. For subsequent metering operations, the actual throughput, or gross measured volume, is determined by multiplying the indicated volume registered on the meter by the meter factor.

a correction factor applied to a meter to increase measurement accuracy in a range.

n: the maximum rate of flow recommended by the meter manufacturer or authorised by a regulatory body. The maximum rate is determined by considerations of accuracy, durability, and pressure drop.

n: a general expression for the relationship between the volume registered by a meter and the actual volume that has passed through it. May refer to meter error. meter factor. meter accuracy. and so on.

n: a device used to determine the accuracy of a meter. Two popular types are pipe provers and open tank provers. A pipe prover has a calibrated pipe that contains a known volume. A sphere displaces oil or liquid product through the pipe while the meter being proved registers the amount of oil or liquid displaced. The meters reading is then compared to the known volume in the pipe. An open tank prover is a calibrated tank that contains a known volume. Oil or liquid product is put into the tank while the meter being proved registers the amount. The meters reading is then compared to the known volume in the tank.

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