
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

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نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 5 از 5 نتیجه یافت شده برای diffuser:
n: a compressor in which the flow of gas to be compressed is moved away from the centre rapidly, usually by a series of blades or turbines. It is a continuous-flow compressor with a low pressure ratio and is used to transmit gas through a pipeline. Gas passing through the compressor contacts a rotating impeller, from which it is discharged into a diffuser, where its velocity is slowed and its kinetic energy changed to static pressure. Centrifugal compressors are nonpositive-displacement machines, often arranged in series on a line to achieve multistage compression.
کمپرسور دورانی

n: a device that uses part of the kinetic energy of a fluid passing through a machine by gradually increasing the cross section of the channel or chamber through which it flows so as to decrease its speed and increase its pressure.

n: A kind of center blower whose entry diameter is smaller than its exit diameter so that the velocity energy can be changed into force energy .

n: refer to diffuser bit nozzle

n: a specialised form of hydraulic pump, used in artificial lift. whose main working parts are nozzle, throat, and diffuser. The nozzle converts the highpressure, low-velocity energy of the power fluid to high-velocity, low-pressure energy. The power fluid is then mixed with the lowpressure pump intake fluid in the throat to produce a low-pressure stream with a velocity less than that of the nozzle exit, but a high velocity, nevertheless. The velocity energy of this mixed stream is then converted to static pressure in the diffuser to provide the pressure necessary to lift fluid from the well. The power fluid may be either oil or water.

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