
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

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نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 115 نتیجه یافت شده برای lime:
n: The soda-lime glass bottle used to hold the hydrofluoric acid. Early directional drilling used acid bottle to survey the inclination.
بطری اسید

n: It is made by adding suitable powder of lime or carbonate to the cement.

v: to part or open fractures in productive hard limestone formations by using a combination of oil and acid or water and acid under high pressure. See formation fracturing.

to fracture stimulate a formation by injecting the acid over the parting pressure of the rock and using the acid to etch channels in the fracture face.

n: a method by which petroleum-bearing limestone or other formations are put into contact with an acid to enlarge the pore spaces and passages through which the reservoir fluids flow.

v: to treat oil-bearing limestone or other formations with acid for the purpose of increasing production. Hydrochloric or other acid is injected into the formation under pressure. The acid etches the rock, enlarging the pore spaces and passages through which the reservoir fluids flow. Acid also removes formation damage by dissolving material plugging the rock surrounding the wellbore. The acid is held under pressure for a period of time and then pumped out, after which the well is swabbed and put back into production. Chemical inhibitors combined with the acid prevent corrosion of the pipe. acid recovery plant n: plant for therecovery of sulfuric acid from acid sludge.

n pi: bacteria that require free oxygen for their life processes. Aerobic bacteria can produce slime or scum, which accumulates on metal surfaces, causing oxygen-concentration cell corrosion.

سنگ آهک رسی

سنگ آهک نواری

a common diverter. It can sublime, or go directly from a solid to a gas.

n: a reef or mound built by small organisms and their remains, such as coral, plankton, and oysters. Originally a waveresistant coral structure served as an anchor for calcareous debris that formed limestone. It was tectonically submerged, or the sea level rose faster than the corals could build it, and it was eventually buried beneath marine shales. A bioherm is often porous enough to hold large accumulations of hydrocarbons, especially if it has been dolomitized. A bioherm is a stratigraphic trap.


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