
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

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کلمه flare یافت شد:
n: an arrangement of piping and burners used to dispose (by burning) of surplus combustible vapours, usually situated near a gasoline plant, refinery, or producing well. v: to dispose of surplus combustible vapours by igniting them in the atmosphere. Raring is rarely used, because of the high value of gas and the stringent air pollution controls.

n: An open discharge of fluid or gas to the atmosphere. The flare is often ignited to dispose of unwanted gas around a completed well.

a burner on a remote line used for disposal of hydrocarbons during clean-up, emergency shut downs and for disposal of small volume waste streams of mixed gasses that cannot easily or safely be separated.
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