
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

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کلمه base pressure یافت شد:
n: the pressure exerted by a specific number of molecules contained in a specific volume (usually I cubic foot) at a specific temperature. Base pressure is a factor used in calculating gas volume. Standard base pressure varies from state to state. In Texas, for example, base pressure is 14.73 psia at 6().F. In Louisiana, base pressure is 15.025 psia at 6()ᄚF. base price II: the value of natural gas, usually at the wellhead, before any imposition of taxes, gathering, compression, or other charges, as stated in a gas sales contract. basicity II: pH value above 7 and the ability to neutralise or accept protons from .:ids.

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