
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 6 از 6 نتیجه یافت شده برای coke:
n: 1. a solid cellular residue produced from the dry distillation of certain carbonceous materials that contains carbon as its principal constituent 2. a residue of heavier hydrocarbons formed by thermal cracking and distillation and deposited in the reservoir during in situ combustion. This residue catches fire and becomes the fuel for continued combustion.

a generally insoluble hydrocarbon that has been oxidized to the point of a solid, often hard mass.

n: crushed coke used for packing underground anodes in cathodic protection systems to obtain increased anode efficiency at a reduced cost See coke.

a highly conductive cement and coke based material used an impressed current anode.

n: in improved recovery, the amount of coke available for in situ combustion. measured in pounds per cubic foot of burned area. Coke is formed by thermal cracking and distillation in the combustion zone. The amount of available coke depends on the composition of the reservoir cn* oil.

n: a method of improved recovery in which heat is generated within the reservoir by injecting air and burning a portion of the oil in place. The heat of initial combustion cracks the crude hydrocarbons, vaporises the lighter hydrocarbons, and deposits the heavier hydrocarbons as coke. As the fire moves from the injection well in the direction of producing wells, it bums the deposited coke, releases hot combustion gases, and converts connate water into steam. The vaporised hydrocarbons and the steam move ahead of the combustion zone, condensing into liquids as they cool and moving oil by miscible displacement and hot waterflooding. Combustion gases provide additional gas drive. Heat lowers the viscosity of the oil, causing it to flow more freely. This method is used to recover heavy, viscous oil. Also called fire flooding.
احتراق درجا

n: primarily synthetic natural gas, propane-air, and refinery (still) gas. May also include coke oven gas, biomass gas, manufactured gas, and air injected for Btu stabilization.

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