
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

بزرگترین دیکشنری مهندسی نفت با بیش از 20 هزار کلمه ، مصور و با قابلیت تلفظ

کلمه drill stem test gases یافت شد:
n pi: formation gases that are produced during a drill stem test, which is the conventional method of testing formations. Although these gases typically are produced only in very small quantities and consist mainly of natural gas, they become an environmental concern when the gases fall into the extremely hazardous substance category under SARA and are produced in sufficient quantities so that they exceed the TPQ limit set for that substance. Typically, wells are not set up for production operations when the drill stem test is run;consequently, gas-containment equipment is not installed or operational during the running of the test and such gases must be released or flared.

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