
دیکشنری تخصصی مهندسی نفت - نسخه آنلاین

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کلمه Marsh funnel یافت شد:
n: a calibrated funnel used in field tests to determine the viscosity of drilling mud.

n: an instrument used in determining the marsh funnel viscosity. The marsh funnel is a container with a fixed orifice4 at the bottom so that when filled with 1,500 cc fresh water,1qt(946ml) will flow out in 26+/-0.5 sec. for 1,000 cc out, the efflux time for

a funnel shaped device of specific volume and shape and outlet that is used to quickly estimate the viscosity of the drilling mud by the time it takes a funnel volume to flow out of the funnel. The Marsh funnel viscosity is reported as the number of secon
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